Saturday Story 2024 – Week 20 (The Black Queen: Legend – Part 7)

This unique take on the world of The Black Queen continues today on my Patreon. This tale plays with the ideas of the original stories and turns them upside down in unexpected ways. It will be a long multi-parter with plenty of surprises along the way. Synopsis below:

When Jeremy is tasked with writing a piece about an erotic urban legend, he discovers some truths are better left buried.

In today’s installment, Jeremy meets Deirdre Quinn, a woman who knows more about the legend he’s investigating than she lets on at first glance. Enjoy.

To read this story before anyone else, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too. The minimum pledge for this type of early access is $5 per month.

A small excerpt is available below:

When Jeremy arrived at the entrance of Tempest Studios the following day, he was both nervous and excited. Laura’s suggestions had given him a fresh outlook on things and promised to make the next couple of days a collection of experiences worth exploring. He just needed to be careful and not blow away his opportunities before he got what he wanted. He would show Alfred there was more to him than being relegated to write about erotic urban legends, oh yes, he would!

The automatic doors of Tempest Studios slid open with a soft whoosh as Jeremy stepped inside. The interior of the building was a stark contrast to the bustling cityscape outside. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the faint hum of technology at work. The walls were lined with sleek touchscreens displaying intricate diagrams and colorful concept art from their upcoming games.

Jeremy couldn’t help but be awestruck as he walked through the lobby, a vision of modern design, with polished marble floors that gleamed under the soft glow of recessed lighting. Security guards in sharp uniforms patrolled the area, their watchful eyes scanning every corner. They all had broad shoulders and menacing eyes, and no smile to be seen. It was almost like he was walking into a secret high-tech fortress, rather than a game development company.

He made his way past a row of potted plants, their vibrant green leaves adding a touch of nature to the sleek surroundings. As he approached the front desk, he was greeted by a beautiful young woman with long, flowing chestnut hair and sparkling hazel eyes. With a warm smile on her petite pink lips, she asked,

“Welcome to Tempest Studios. Do you have an appointment?”

“Yes. I’m Jeremy Winters from Signs and Wonders, here to see Deirdre Quinn. She’s expecting me,” he replied.


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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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