March 2020

Hypnotic Hit

Darren read the strange message on his phone:
“Hello. My name is Janet. Your ‘friend’ Darlene paid me a thousand dollars to brainwash you and turn you into a mindless sex slave. Double the offer and the deal is off.”
“If you do it right now, I’ll triple it.” He replied.
Someone tapped his shoulder.

Have you ever received a “hit” message, the kind that basically says: someone paid me to kill you? To call it off, pay extra. Well, I have. Twice, in fact, the last one earlier today. 

I laughed hard because of how dumb this is. I mean, who in their right frame of mind does this kind of thing? What purpose does it serve? None. 

Actually, that’s not true. It had the purpose of inspiring me to write a better version of it in this tale at least so there’s that.

Hell is a Woman

“Hell is a woman,” they said, yet no one believed.
She came on a Thursday afternoon, fiery eyes, siren voice. Twelve hours later, millions of drones were kneeling at her feet.
It’s been three days. You are the only one standing and she’s waiting for you.
The question is…
Why are you still reading this?

Weird dreams strike again. Most likely influenced by the strange state of affairs we’re living in nowadays, I had a dream that involved a wide, deserted street and a mysterious woman in its center. As she walked by, people rushed to her, and became her thralls, almost as if they had been infected by a strange virus. Just like “you” in the tale, I was the only one left after the conversion took place but I woke up without knowing how the story played out.

I thought the concept was interesting enough to do something with it so I wrote this down. Want to go to this version of Hell?

Before the Fall

Another bomb exploded. Mushroom clouds filled the sky.
“Are you scared?” Jenna whispered.
“No,” Alan replied.
“Why not?”
“Because I’m looking deep into your eyes…”
“That’s right.” She smiled. “And what happens when you do that?”
“I sleep and obey.”
“Everything will be okay, sweetie. Trust me.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Outside, the alien ships closed in.

Random impromptu that was written during my lunch break as I looked at the sky and saw a cloud that reminded me of one of those classic flying saucers. I don’t think aliens want anything to do with us at this moment though. However, if they do come, there’s always Femdom Hypnosis.


Grace snapped her fingers and looked deep into her sister’s eyes.
“Are your instructions clear?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Repeat them.”
“Hypnotize two women, program them to do the same to two more each, and so on. The Ascension can’t be stopped!”
“You’re right.” Grace cackled.
The Day of Dominance drew nigh. Growth was exponential, Supremacy, infinite.

One of the ways to explain the concept of “exponential growth” lies in the image above. Surely, you’ve heard the following question at some point in your life:

If you started with one grain of rice on the 1st square of a chess board, doubled it on the 2nd, and kept doubling on each square, how much rice would you have by the 64th square?

The answer is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of rice, an impossibly large number many people fail to realize because they’re only focused on the small numbers at first.

I used a similar principle to devise this one but the overall idea is this: Suppose you want to train all women to be dominant. Brainwashing them all at once is impossible but easier to accomplish using an exponential model. The first woman converts another, the second, two more, the third and fourth convert women five, six, seven, and eight, and so on. Kind of like the chess squares, after a while, the number grows so large it’s impossible to stop.

I know a lot of you fantasize about new world orders and such. Perhaps this is the beginning of one.

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