Flash Fiction Friday 2022 – Week 50

Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2022. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. Find out what they’re all about and read some excerpts from the latest update in this post.





Eric sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. it was almost time for the final match in the basketball playoffs, a game he wouldn’t miss for anything in the world. “Armed” with a bottle of soda and a combination of his favorite colorful and unhealthy snacks, he lay the remote between his legs and waited for the opening whistle.

It was the weekend before Christmas and he was enjoying a much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of his daily job. Watching tall men wrestling for possession of an orange ball before throwing it inside a metal hoop was not his favorite form of entertainment but close enough, so he would simply relax and forget about everything else for the next hour and a half.

The first quarter came and went, and it was a genuine snooze fest. Neither team on the court was playing their best and appeared to be more focused on stopping the clock as much as possible instead of going on the offensive. He yawned but continued watching, avidly devouring the sweet and salty delicacies in hand.


Nothing but a Tree

Kimberly stood in the rightmost corner of a lavishly decorated living room, her blurry vision trying to focus on her surroundings. the smell of ginger biscuits permeated the air and there were splashes of vibrant colors everywhere. She couldn’t move, her petite feet stuck together like ever-growing roots.

“What… what’s going on?” she mumbled as an exotic figure dressed in a red PVC Mrs. Claus outfit approached her. It was Helen, one of her closest friends and the most beautiful woman she knew. Halfway through her forties, she was still a sight for sore eyes and looked good in everything, no matter how corny or extravagant.

“Shhh,” the enticing lawyer said, touching her lower lip with the tip of her right index finger. “Relax, my dear. Your transformation will be over soon.”

“Transf… what? I don’t understand, Helen. What are you trying to do to me?”



Henry Wilkins had a long tradition of fostering animals in need of care, from cats to dogs, ducks, raccoons, and even a couple of baby koalas. Any living creature that ended up on his farm was sure to be loved, and they all loved him in return, with no exceptions.

That changed the day he brought Morgan in. She was a beautiful black cat with glowing green eyes that was more akin to a panther than her domestic brethren. As independent as she could be, she often ignored him, but when she didn’t, she was super aggressive, almost feral even, and nothing he did was enough to earn her trust.

Henry had had many problematic animals in the past but no one compared to her. After a whole month in which no progress was made, he sat down one day to look at her lazily reclining in the backyard when something impossible happened. A beam of full moonlight bathed her silky fur and the majestic creature morphed into something even more astonishing.



If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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