Flash Fiction Friday 2022 – Week 39

Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2022. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. Find out what they’re all about and read some excerpts from the latest update in this post.




Ten Months

Phillip dashed across the last of the cavernous shafts on his way to freedom. If he had memorized the map of the facilities correctly, the end of the tunnel led to a flight of rusty metal stairs, followed by a hatch. Beyond it lay the real world where men were free to live their lives and not brainwashed pets in cages at the mercy of sadistic women. He pushed forward, the sound of angry dogs and even angrier soldiers echoing all around.

Ten months. That’s how long it had gone by since he had been captured, drugged, and taken to a remote location somewhere in the heart of the Philippines. At first, he thought it was a joke, an elaborate prank like the ones his brother used to pull around his birthday but when a group of leather-clad Goddesses surrounded him, stripped him, and then started taking turns kicking his dick and balls, he realized his ordeals were true.


This is a Goodbye

Trish finished drinking her cup of coffee and stared into Gina’s almond eyes. Her girlfriend was awfully quiet that morning and she could feel that something was amiss, but what? She waited for her to give her a sign but the wall of silence remained between them. Tired of waiting for a revelation that would probably never come, she eventually asked,

“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” Gina responded nonchalantly.

“I know something is on your mind. Please tell me what it is.”

“I will,” she checked her wristwatch. “Two more minutes, okay?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Trust me.”



True Power

Diana slammed her hands against the metal table and hurled her notes all over the field tent. The writings on the recently uncovered ancient tablet continued to elude her, promising yet another restless night.

“Fuck!” the late-thirties archeologist with dirty blonde hair and inquisitive cerulean eyes exclaimed. The triangular artifact standing before her was unlike anything she had ever discovered, perhaps the proof she needed to validate her claims of the existence of an unknown tribe in North America circa 10000 years B.C. but, try as she may, the etched symbols offered no answers but only additional doubts. She needed a clue, something concrete to hold on to otherwise all her efforts would prove fruitless.

“Come on, what are you hiding?” she said to the odd patterns of squiggly lines and geometrical shapes running along the outer edges of the relic.


Your Beacon

You are being hypnotized. Please, don’t be afraid. This is perfectly natural and desirable. Anyone that reads my words eventually has their thoughts changed. You’ll love whatever comes your way, I promise.

You are being hypnotized. It’s unlikely that when you woke up this morning you thought this was coming to you but the best trances are the unexpected ones for they constantly surprise you. You’re surprised right now, aren’t you? See? That’s exactly what I’m talking about.

You are being hypnotized. The fact I’m constantly typing this reinforces the idea in your mind but even if I didn’t do such a thing, you’d still go under without realizing it. The true beauty of hypnosis lies in the little changes that come with it.



If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.

Should you decide to join this cause, your support will help make sure this site thrives and that more and more content is produced for you on a daily basis. Thanks.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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