Flash Fiction Friday 2022 – Week 27

Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2022. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. Find out what they’re all about and read some excerpts from the latest update in this post.




I’m Not Coming Back

Greta woke up in her bed, every inch of her body covered in cold sweat. The old nightmare was back, and it had returned with a vengeance.

She turned on the light and sat with her back firmly pressed against the pillow, still haunted by the vivid images of yore. Life in the dungeon of Mistress Carlyle had been anything but easy, even when she played the dominant role.

“I’m not coming back,” she said, elongated fingers resting on her naked legs. It didn’t matter what the ghosts of the past expected of her. That chapter of her life was over, dead and buried. If one were to dig it up would only make it fester more.

Greta got up and walked back and forth in her bedroom before opening the window and taking in the nocturnal air. The slightly chilly breeze was a balm for her furrowed brow but she was still worried.


Lorelei’s Lines

Anya had never been much for free-to-play mobile games (or any other types of games) but Lorelei’s new app sure was surprising her. It was simply called Lorelei’s lines and, just like any other type of addictive distraction out there, it started out easy enough before turning into a devious extravaganza that was sure to destroy many brain cells in a short amount of time.

The game had some similarities to Tetris while adding a few additional spins to the formula. The main goal was to clear a board of every line by using as few pieces as possible. The best way to do that was to set up cascades of pieces on the top row so that when they all came falling down, they would wipe out the remaining spaces. Easy Mode had only four different types of pieces to choose from, each one with a different color, Normal Mode upped the ante with two additional shapes to contend with and Hard Mode went to eight. Anya had heard stories about the existence of a Nightmare Mode that had twelve (!) different shapes but she didn’t know to unlock it.



Hello. This recording is designed to turn you into an obedient drone to Mother, our Caretaker and Protector. Mother watches over all Her children, even those that don’t believe She exists to rule supreme. Without Mother, you are but a sheep led astray and that kind of lonely life is unacceptable. Only in communion with Her will and your fellow drones can you hope to rise above the mediocrity that’s been poisoning your soul.

Listen carefully. In the beginning, there was Chaos and Disorder, a separation of continents and beliefs. Wars were fought over meaningless ideas that resulted in the loss of countless creatures like yourself. Any age without Mother was a Dark Age for only through Her is Enlightenment possible. Mother sees all. Mother hears all. Mother understands all. Mother’s Wisdom is as infinite as Her Love, and Love never imprisons but sets free. Hear the first of Mother’s rules in your mind.

Mother is all. There is nothing beyond Her.


Programming Him

Emily descended into the basement where her husband Tom was lounging in front of a panoramic 4K TV and said,

“Honey, I’m running out of sugar. I need you to go to the grocery store and get me some.”

“Right now?” Travis grumbled, scratching behind his right ear. “The final quarter of the game is about to begin.”

“You can record it and watch it later. Frivolous things like that can wait, but not my needs. Go get me the sugar or have you forgotten already who’s in charge?”

“No, dear, I haven’t,” he reached for the remote and turned off the TV. “I’m going.”

“Good. You’ll need to walk there, though. The car’s running out of gas.”

“I can fill it up on my way back.”

“No,” she declared, looking at the beer belly sticking out of his purple T-shirt. “You’ll walk there and back because you need the exercise, anyway.”



If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.

Should you decide to join this cause, your support will help make sure this site thrives and that more and more content is produced for you on a daily basis. Thanks.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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