Flash Fiction Friday 2022 – Week 14

Flash Fiction Friday continues in 2022. New pieces appear every Friday on my Patreon throughout the year. The Minimum pledge to read them before anyone else is $3 per month. Find out what they’re all about and read some excerpts from the latest update in this post.





Xavier entered his boss’s office precisely one minute before the end of his shift. Being summoned so late in the day, especially on a Friday, was never a good sign. He was about to be fucked again.

Tiffany Winters saw him standing by the door and snapped her fingers. “What are you waiting for? Come here!”

“What can I do for you, Miss Winters?” he asked, hands behind his back. Anyone fluent in body posture could tell he was doing his best to contain his seething anger, yet his best would never be enough.

“I’m having a party tomorrow night in my place and one of the staff just called in sick. Since you’ve got nothing better to do anyway, I need you to cover for him,” she handed him a black and red card with embroidered golden letters.


Magic is Real

Kate dusted the top half of her wardrobe and stared in awe at something she hadn’t seen in ages. The small box with a wood carving of a flower bouquet on the lid was a treasure trove of memories of a shared distant past with Jenna. She picked it up, descended from the small set of stairs, and sat on the bed to examine it.

Inside, there were colorful pictures of their first dates; movie stubs that reminded her of the days when everything wasn’t digital and available on-demand at the press of a button; a collection of handwritten poems that, while not very good, were at least meaningful enough to make her shed a tear; and the most arresting object of all, one she had dreamed about for many years after their story had ended. It was Jenna’s favorite ring, a silver coiled beauty she has always said to possess magical powers.


Starting Class

Peter finished drinking his soda can and fiddled with the black and white controller in his hands. It was happening again! At the beginning of yet another (hopefully) wonderful journey through a beautiful but dangerous world. paralysis of choice was real.

There were twelve possible starting classes, all of which with pros and cons. Should he go with the hard-headed Barbarian that was a pinnacle of strength but had no magic defense or perhaps listen to the call of forbidden spells with the incredibly deadly (but also a glass cannon) Necromancer? How about trying a mixed build for a change by embracing the combination of an elite soldier with an array of death-defying magic in form of an Enchanted Knight? Decisions, decisions…

For twenty-five minutes, he stared at the selection screen, checking every attribute over and over while trying to figure out what his optimal playstyle would be.


The Fun Begins

Cammie almost choked on her food when she heard Emma’s latest news.

“Oh, come on! There’s no way that shit is real!” she said.

“I knew that would be your response, which is why I brought proof,” she reached for her smartphone and placed it on the kitchen table, a dark yet revealing video starting to play out. “Is that your brother or not?”

“What the…?” Cammie gulped as his unmistakable physique was on full display running around the street as if he had just been delivered to the world, and what was even stranger was the fact he was oblivious to everything else around him, including being called out by name.

“See?” Emma retorted. “He totally ignored me. It was as if I didn’t exist for him at all and if you look at his eyes in this frame…”

“He looks drugged or something.”


If everything you’ve read so far intrigues you and you want to know more, head over to my Patreon page and become Spell… B-O-U-N-D, too.

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S. B.

Simple Being, Middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for themes of Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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